Mets HIT Inc. Apps

Mimi Sketchbook Princess Mimi 1.5
Mets HIT Inc.
★ Every little girl in the world can become aprincess!Mimi's sketchbook is a coloring series app that uses themes in astorytelling format.In the first story, I would like to introduce Princess Mimi~Anyone can be a beautiful princess in Mimi's castle.You can color, dress yourself up with shiny accessories and becomea princess like the ones in a fairytale.We would like to invite you now to Mimi's castle.★ Characteristics① Mimi's ball and princess in a fairytale, there are twostories.Shall we dance with the prince to some beautiful music? Shall webecome a beautiful princess in a fairytale?Just thinking about it makes my heart race.yddjhgj② There are pictures of the beautiful Princess Mimi in a widevariety of concepts.Oh my! There are so many pictures of the lovable and beautifulPrincess Mimi in a wide variety of concepts. If you choose FairyMimi then Cinderella Mimi will be sad and ifyou choose Snow White Mimi then Little Mermaid Mimi will besad~What should we do~ Hee hee~Just wait~I will make them allpretty.③ What I am sketching! That is a true sketchbook~Swish swish~Soeasy~ If you turn the light on Mimi's sketchbook, like magic, thesilhouette of a picture appears~Tada! Wow~by drawing along thesilhouette of the picture anyone can draw a beautiful picture ofMimi.④ More than just having fun coloring! I can make my very ownprincess.Colored pencils, paints, crayons? No~use the special tools madejust for Mimi to design your very own Princess Mimi. It's more thanjust copying and recording, experienceart that allows you to express yourself, think and create astory.⑤ The picture that I drew and decorated is moving.Using beautiful music, graphics and a variety of effects thepicture I drew and decorated comes to life. It's just like goinginto the picture book.⑥ Tell a story. Also create a story.Listen to the story that can be found in each picture and this timetry creating your own story. Through pictures and stories as youcreate your very own story about PrincessMimi your way of thinking and your creativity grows deeper anddeeper~- Website : Tel : 02-512-0797
퀴즈풀고! Quiz full go! 1.2
Mets HIT Inc.
★★★ 모든 문제가 무료!!! ★★★여러분들의 취업 준비를 위하여 앱을 무료화 하였습니다.모든 문제를 인앱 구매 없이 무료로 이용하세요~★ 취업상식은 퀴즈풀고 끝내버리자!최신 상식 문제가 1만 5,000문제!!믿을 수 없는 그 방대함에 입이 떡 벌어지고, 취업 걱정은 풀어지고~!일반 상식 문제는 ‘퀴즈 풀고’ 하나로 끝낸다!취업을 준비하는 모든 사람들에게 무엇보다도 중요한 상식이란??바로 퀴즈풀고를 안다는 그것!상식이 있어도 퀴즈풀고~ 없어도 퀴즈풀고~★ 일반 상식하면 퀴즈풀고! 왜?1. 체계적인 카테고리와 풍부한 콘텐츠!취업준비의 필수가 되어버린 일반상식!퀴즈풀고에는 11가지의 체계적인 카테고리와 1만 5,000개 이상의엄선된 최신일반상식 문제가 있다는 그것!2. 내가 원하는 문제를 모아 한 번에 본다!관심 있는 문제는 즐겨찾기에 모아 모아서~ 간단하게 한 번에 본다는 그것!3. 한 문제도 놓칠 수 없다!정답이 아닌 이상 놓아줄 수 없지? 틀린 문제는 모아 모아서~ 오답 노트에 정리~!4. 내 성적은 내가 체크한다!실전 모의고사를 통한 성적관리와 랭킹등록~하루하루 쌓여가는 나의 상식을 두 눈으로 확인하며 오늘도 신 나게 퀴즈풀고~~!!5. 내가 제안하는 문제가 등록된다고 진짜?내가 직접 문제도 내고 기프트콘도 선물 받고~아! 이런 상쾌한 기분~!6. 문제는 계속된다!지속적인 최신일반상식 문제의 업데이트~!★ 앱의 특징① 카테고리 : 정치/경제/사회/경영/과학/정보통신/매스컴/역사 · 철학/문학/문화 · 예술/스포츠② 기능 - 문제풀이 : 해당 단계/카테고리 내 전체 문제- 채점 : 정답, 오답 확인- 즐겨 찾기 : 해당 단계/카테고리 내 사용자가 임의로 선택한 문제- 오답 노트 : 문제 풀기에서 틀린 문제들이 자동으로 등록- 실전 모의고사- 신규문제 제안하기 : 문제 제안하여 퀴즈풀고에 문제 등록고객문의 및 상담MetsHit- Website : Tel : 02-512-0797----개발자 연락처 :#566-23, sinsa-dong, gangnamgu, seoul south korea [135-891]02-6959-0497★ ★ ★ All trouble free! ★★ ★You charge-free app to prepare for the June employment.Without any problems free of charge on the in-app purchase -Let's unpack the end of the quiz ★ employed common sense!Latest issue 15,000 common sense issue!I can not believe that this bread is going on breadth, work releaseand worry!The problem is that common sense 'Quiz unpack' one ends!Preparing for employment, most important of all is commonsense??Knowing just loosen it a quiz!Even without this knowledge trivia quiz unpack unpack ~ ~Loosen the general knowledge quiz ★! Why not?1 systematic categories and rich content!    Preparation for employment has become anessential common sense!    There are 11 types of systemic loosen quizcategories and more than 15,000    That selection of the latest issues thatcommon sense!2 collects issues one at a time I want to see!    The problem is of interest to favoritesgathered together - it simply stares at a time!3 the problem can not be overlooked!    Unless you can give the answer to thequestion is put up? The problem is that the wrong-wrong answersgathered together to organize notes!4 I check my grades?    Rankings and records management practicethrough mock registration -    Builds over day-to-day confirmed my sensethat the eyes of God reminds quiz today unpack ~ ~!May I suggest that the real problem is registration?    Condo gift gift I received directly outproblems ...    Oh! This refreshing feeling!6 The problem continues!    Continuous update of the latest issue,common sense!★ App Features① Category: Political / Economic / Social / Management / Science/ Information Technology /                    Media/ History and Philosophy / Literature / Culture, Arts /Sports② function - problem solving: The phase / category the entireproblem           -Scoring: correct, error check           -Favorites: The stage / category problem in user-selected           -Incorrect Notes: problem solving the wrong problems areautomatically enrolled in           -Practice mock           -To offer a new problem: the problem suggests a problem with thequiz loosen registration  Contact us and talkMetsHit- Website: Tel: 02-512-0797
Play with Korean 0.0.5
Mets HIT Inc.
★ It is time for fun with KoreanAlphabet!Follow the cute characters and use your fingers to draw the lettersand repeat what they say.Through the use of various characters and animation, children canremember the images they have been shown. The cute dog follows the"ㄱ" character to its bowl while the "ㄴ" character is the fragrantscent that leads the butterfly to the flower. By playing and havingfun with the cute characters in "Play with Korean Alphabet!"children will learn Korean Alphabet in no time! It's a lot of funand it is an educational tool that children can use on their own.Created by professionals and recommended by mothers it is thebest content for children!Made by experts in children’s education content development,cognitive psychology experts and graphic designers iSchool+ is ahigh quality educational tool for children that not only helpsimprove their cognitive and emotional development but can be usedas a basic learning tool.iSchool+ develops content customized for the next generation ofchildren that will be living in a digital world. All of the contentwas developed after detailed, careful analysis and research witheach segment designed as if by a loving parent. Get ready for theera of digital textbooks with iSchool+!★ Information HierarchyLanguage Life>ListenLanguage Life>Speak★ Goal① Have an interest in the letters and remember their shapes and howto write them.② Repetitive listening and repeat the words with accuratepronunciation.③ Using a variety of animated animals and objects instead ofmemorization it uses the more effective word by association.★ Activity① Use your finger to draw the consonant.② Read words using each consonant while watching cute animatedcharacters. ★ FunctionDrag & Touch interactions
Popping & Popping 1.0.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★ ‘Popping & Popping’ is an applicationthat helps children learn the English alphabet, numbers, andcoloring.Popping & Popping helps our kids learn the essential elementsthrough fun games.While infants touch a screen with their hands, they will be able tolearn letters and numbers smoothly and easily.The best content for children, made by experts and recommend bymothers!A high-quality educational content of iSchool+ has been made byexperts in children’s education content development, cognitivepsychology experts and graphic designers.It helps in the cognitive and emotional development of children aswell as their basic learning.iSchool+ has developed content customized for the next generationof children that will be living in a digital world.All of the content has been researched and developed by detailedand in-depth analysis while each one of the content has beendesigned along with parental loveBe prepared for the era of digital textbooks with iSchool+!★ Content Hierarchy① Research Life> > Develop basic mathematics skills >Develop number sense② Research Life > Develop a questioning attitude③ Language Part> Read, and Speak★ Objective① To learn basics of the English alphabet, numbers, andcoloring★ Learning ListAlphabet Playground: Touch the bubble bubble soap bubbles! Whenpopping the bubbles, words and images of the applicable alphabetappear.123 Playground: Touch the flames, tok tok tok! When popping theflames, numbers appear.Rainbow Playground: Touch the balloons, tok tok tok! When poppingthe balloons, color names appear.★ FunctionTouch interactions
헤어 미미 1.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★ 로맨틱? 러블리? 당신의 헤어스타일 선택은?미미 스케치북은 스토리텔링의 형식을 갖춘 테마가 있는 색칠놀이 시리즈 앱이에요~!그 세 번째 이야기, 헤어 미미를 소개합니다~오늘은 어떤 헤어 스타일이 좋을까?걱정 하지 마세요~헤어 미미가 알려주는 다양한 헤어스타일 연출법!청순하고 여성스러운 스타일부터깜찍하고 개성 있는 스타일까지~헤어미미와 함께 알록달록 색칠 놀이도 하고 반짝반짝 액세서리로 꾸미기 놀이도 하며, 예쁜 헤어스타일 만들기에 도전해보세요!★ 특징① 로맨틱 헤어스타일, 러블리 헤어스타일 두 가지의 스토리가 있어요.로맨틱한 헤어스타일을 해볼까요? 사랑스럽고 깜찍한 헤어스타일을 만들어 볼까요?낭만적인 스타일을 하면 깜찍한 스타일이 좋아 보이고. 깜찍한 스타일을 하면 낭만이 그립네요 어쩌지요?두 가지 다 해보면 되겠네요~~!!② 예쁜 미미의 다양한 헤어스타일이 있어요.어머! 미미는 연출 할 수 있는 헤어 스타일도 이렇게나 많이!우아하고 화려한 미미가 좋을까요? 깜찍하고 귀여운 단발머리 미미가 좋을 까요?여러분 모두 모두 예쁘게 꾸며보세요!③ 내가 스케치를 하는 것! 그것이 진정한 스케치북~ 쓱쓱~ 쉽게 쉽게~미미 스케치북의 조명을 켜면 마법처럼 그림의 실루엣이~짜잔!! 와우~실루엣을 따라 그리면, 누구나 미미 그림을 멋지게 스케치할 수 있어요④ 색칠놀이 그 이상! 나만의 공주님을 만들어요.색연필, 물감, 크레파스?? 아니에요~ 미미만의 특별한 꾸미기 도구로 나만의 미미 공주님을 만들어주세요.모방하고 기록하는 색칠놀이를 넘어, 표현하고 생각하고 이야기를 만드는 미술 체험을 해보세요.⑤ 내가 그리고 꾸민 그림이 움직여요.아름다운 음악과 그래픽, 다양한 효과로 내가 그리고 꾸민 그림이 살아나요.이건 마치~ 그림책 속으로 들어온 기분이에요~⑥ 이야기를 들려줘요. 그리고 이야기를 만들어요.그림 한 장 한 장에 담긴 스토리를 듣고, 이번에는 직접 스토리를 만들어보아요.그림과 이야기로 자신만의 미미 공주님의 이야기를 만들며 생각은 깊고 넓게~ 창의력은 쑥쑥~!----개발자 연락처 :#566-23, sinsa-dong, gangnamgu, seoul south korea [135-891]02-6959-0497★ Romantic? Lovely?Choose your hair style is?    Mimi sketchbook format of storytelling withthe theme App is a coloring game series!    The third story, introduces minimal hair ~Today, any hair style is better?Do not worry ...Hair Mimi tells dramaturgy different hairstyles!From pure and feminine styleKkamjjikhago personality to the style ...Mimi and play with hair coloring alrokdalrok also play anddecorate it with shiny accessories, and make a pretty hair stylechallenge now!★ Features① romantic hairstyles, lovely hairstyles have two stories.    Romantic hairstyles try? Let lovely andcute hair style?    Cute romantic style, you look like a style.Cute romantic style, you're eojjeojiyo grip?    Both of haebomyeon doegetneyo ~ ~!    ② a variety of hairstyles have a pretty minimal.    Oh! Mimi hairstyle How could that bedirecting a lot!    Elegant and colorful insignificant to reachyou? Mimi kkamjjikhago cute bobbed hair do you recommend?    All in all, you look beautifuldecorated!③ sketches that I will! It is easier and easier real sketchbook~ roughly ~ ~     Mimi sketchbook magically turn thelights silhouette of the picture - voila! Wow     Along the silhouette draw, to sketchcool picture anyone have minimal④ coloring game and more! Mandeuleoyo own princess.    Colored pencils, paints, crayons??Not-insignificant own special decorating tool Princess Mimi, pleasemake your own.    Play and record over the painted imitation,representation, and the story makes you think and try to experienceart.⑤ I assumed the picture and moving.   Beautiful music and graphics, and a variety ofeffects, and decorated with a picture I salahnayo.   It's like ... I feel like coming into picturebooks ...⑥ story, please. And crank out a story.    Contained in the picture one by one to hearthe story, this time creating a spy story directly.   Pictures and stories of your own story ofPrincess Mimi creates a deep and wide-thinking creativityGrowing!
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Lite. 1.0
Mets HIT Inc.
** Honk honk!My favorite cars! Come gather here!What types of automobiles do we see around us?Meet various types of cars seen around us at a glance with 'Honkhonk.'Learn more about various kinds of cars and the use of each carthrough exciting animations! Burr burr, are you ready? Let's gomeet them!The best content for children, made by experts and recommend bymothers!A high-quality educational content of iSchool+ has been made byexperts in children’s education content development, cognitivepsychology experts and graphic designers.It helps in the cognitive and emotional development of children aswell as their basic learning.iSchool+ has developed content customized for the next generationof children that will be living in a digital world.All of the content has been researched and developed by detailedand in-depth analysis while each one of the content has beendesigned along with parental love Be prepared for the era ofdigital textbooks with iSchool+!** Content HierarchyResearch Life> Have a questioning attitude> Pay constantattention to things and phenomenonSocial Life> Pay attention to social phenomenon> Payattention to surroundings** ObjectiveTo learn shapes and purposes of various types of cars** ActivityTouch the cute swaying cars and learn about detailed shapes anduses of cars.** FunctionsEach graphic element shows various reactions for touchinteractions.The Guidance UI has been applied for children to easily understandkey functions.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 1.0.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★ Honk honk!My favorite cars! Come gather here!What types of automobiles do we see around us?Meet various types of cars seen around us at a glance with 'Honkhonk.'Learn more about various kinds of cars and the use of each carthrough exciting animations! Burr burr, are you ready? Let's gomeet them!The best content for children, made by experts and recommend bymothers!A high-quality educational content of iSchool+ has been made byexperts in children’s education content development, cognitivepsychology experts and graphic designers.It helps in the cognitive and emotional development of children aswell as their basic learning.iSchool+ has developed content customized for the next generationof children that will be living in a digital world.All of the content has been researched and developed by detailedand in-depth analysis while each one of the content has beendesigned along with parental love Be prepared for the era ofdigital textbooks with iSchool+!★ Content HierarchyResearch Life> Have a questioning attitude> Pay constantattention to things and phenomenonSocial Life> Pay attention to social phenomenon> Payattention to surroundings★ObjectiveTo learn shapes and purposes of various types of cars★ ActivityTouch the cute swaying cars and learn about detailed shapes anduses of cars.★ FunctionsEach graphic element shows various reactions for touchinteractions.The Guidance UI has been applied for children to easily understandkey functions.
Rainbow Playground 1.0.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★ Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, navy, andpurple! Shall we play a color game?‘Rainbow Playground’ is an application that enables children tolearn color namesthrough a game with enjoying popping colorful balloons.Color names appear when popping rising balloons.Children naturally learn color names during their playtime ratherthanstudy time with ‘Rainbow Playground’The best content for children, made by experts and recommend bymothers!A high-quality educational content of iSchool+ has been made byexperts in children’s education content development, cognitivepsychology experts and graphic designers.It helps in the cognitive and emotional development of children aswell as their basic learning.iSchool+ has developed content customized for the next generationof children that will be living in a digital world.All of the content has been researched and developed by detailedand in-depth analysis while each one of the content has beendesigned along with parental loveBe prepared for the era of digital textbooks with iSchool+!★ Content Hierarchy① Research Life> Develop a questioning attitude★ Objectives① To know that various colors exist② To know that colors have names★ Activity① Pop balloons by touching the screen with a finger② Repeat aloud color names while popping balloons★ FunctionTouch interactions
가나다 놀이터 1.0.0
Mets HIT Inc.
※구매를 하시다 실패하셨을 경우, 구매복원을 해보시고 안되실경우 다시 구매를해주세요. 결제는 한번만 이루어집니다.★ ‘탱글탱글’ 사과를 ‘톡톡톡’!!!놀면서 배우는 재미있는 한글학습 ‘가나다 놀이터’!!사과나무에 가득 열린 사과를 ‘톡톡' 떨어뜨리면,사과에 새겨진 해당 한글 자음과 이미지가 나타나요.한글은 놀이의 매개체가 되고 아이는 ‘123 놀이터’와 함께 공부시간이 아닌 놀이시간 속에서자연스럽게 숫자를 습득해 나아간답니다.전문가들이 만들고 엄마가 추천하는 아이들을 위한 최고의 콘텐츠!유아 콘텐츠전문가, 인지심리전문가, 그래픽 디자이너가 함께 만든 유아들을 위한 iSchool+ 의 높은 퀄리티의콘텐츠는아이들의 인지와 정서 발달은 물론 기초 학습까지 책임집니다.iSchool+는 디지털 세대를 살아가야 할 미래 세대의 아이들을 위한 콘텐츠를 개발 공급하고 있습니다.매우 세심하고 주의 깊게 분석하고 연구하여 개발된 콘텐츠 하나하나는 아이를 사랑하는 부모의 마음으로설계되었습니다.이제 iSchool+ 와 함께 디지털 교과서 시대를 준비하세요!★ 내용체계① 언어영역> 읽기, 말하기★ 목표① 한글에 관심을 갖고, 익힙니다.② 읽고, 쓰기에 관심을 갖습니다.③ 말을 글로 적을 수 있음을 압니다.★ 활동① 손가락으로 ‘톡톡’눌러 사과를 따요.② 사과를 따며 큰소리로 한글을 따라 읽어요.★ 기능터치로 인터랙션합니다.----개발자 연락처 :#566-23, sinsa-dong, gangnamgu, seoul south korea [135-891]02-6959-0497
보트투데이 1.0.1
Mets HIT Inc.
對국민 투표어플!!!Vote Today(보트투데이)는 주요 포털 실시간 검색어와 연동되어, 매일의 주요 이슈를 투표 형태로 제공합니다.투표 참여를 통해 포인트를 획득 할 수 있고 누적된 포인트를 사용하여 경품 교환 등을 할 수 있는어플리케이션입니다.투표를 통하여 의견 공유와 여론의 향방을 알아볼 수 있는 보트 투데이!정치/경제/스포츠/연예/ TV 프로그램 등에 관한 정보를 제공은 물론 투표를 만들고 의견공유 기능을 합니다.주요 기능투표 만들기 : 사용자가 직접 투표를 만들어 참여 할 수 있는 기능인기검색어 : 주요 포털 사이트의 인기검색어를 표시하고 그에 관한 투표를 제공하는 기능포인트 : 투표에 참여하여 획득한 포인트로 경품응모기능SNS연동 : 트위터, 카카오톡과 연동하여 투표 내용을 공유 기능설문조사 : 회원님이 의뢰하신 설문을 본 어플리케이션을 이용해 대행해 드리는 서비스. 설문에 참여하신 회원님께는 포인트를제공해드립니다.Vote Today는 계속해서 국민 여러분의 의견을 대표하는 어플이 되도록 노력하겠습니다.오늘! 바로 지금! 여러분의 의견을 투표해보세요~----개발자 연락처 :#566-23, sinsa-dong, gangnamgu, seoul south korea [135-891]02-6959-0497对 referendum app!Vote Today (Boat Today) real-time query linked with the mainportal daily, in the form of the key issues is to vote. As can earnpoints through participation and prizes by using accumulated pointscan be exchanged, and applications.Sharing and public opinion through a vote of the boat thatentails hyangbang Today!Political / Economic / Sports / Entertainment / TV, as well asprovide information about the program, create a comment votingshares features.Key FeaturesMaking Votes: Vote to create your own ability toparticipatePopular Searches: Popular searches on major portal sites providedisplay and the ability to vote on itPoints: points earned by participating in the voting premiumapplication featuresSNS Sync: Twitter, KakaoTalk voting information sharingcapabilities in conjunction withPoll: Your survey commissioned by you using this application, thedeurineun services agency. Members who participated in the surveywill provide a point for you.Vote Today continues to represent the opinions of the people youwill try to App.Today! Right Now! Vote your opinion Try ~
Raggy Pet 123 1.1
Mets HIT Inc.
Mets HIT EDU-PLAY Series ‘Raggy Pet’Introduction of Raggy Pet – 123While playing with Raggy Pet, children become familiar withnumbers.This app is not for studying but for playing with toy charactersusing numbers.Raggy’s friends want to play with children.*** This App was manufactured entirely in English.*** This App recognizes the pronunciations of children using avoice recognition function.*** All numbers are pronounced in English.*** Let them play with the friends of ‘Laggy Pet’. They will learnnumbers naturally.‘Laggy Pet’, toy friends made with old clothes!‘Doggy’ the Puppy / ‘Chicky’ the Chick / ‘Beany’ the Little Bear /‘Piggy’ the Little Pig / ‘Bunny’ the Little RabbitWhile learning to talk, children learn the existence ofnumbers.Adults try to teach them numbers one by one by bending theirfingers. After learning numbers, children proceed to ‘counting’,the next step.So we decided to help children learn numbers with toy animals in afun and exciting way.Mets HIT EDU-PLAY Series ‘Raggy Pet’ focuses on playing withnumbers not in the style of studying or learning. Children willfamiliarize with this ‘Play App.’ For happy faces and smiles ofchildren, we prepared the various motions and effects of the toys.They accept repetitive learning through play as a part of dailylife naturally and not learning by heart. We didn’t design this appfor specialized education learning but for children to know thatthe existence of numbers is natural and will be a part of allplays.If numbers appear frequently on the app, repeat it sometimes.Children feel more entertained with the response of the guardian.If you invest a bit of time, you children will familiarize withnumbers and count the numbers with their fingers. They talk loudlyin full eagerness.The children who learned numbers by playing with the friends of‘Raggy Pet’ will boast to us.About what they got to know: counting numbers, and knowing ordersby speaking and comparing!Now all you have to do is praise your children who count the numberof snacks by themselves.‘Raggy Pet 123’ App provides the following learning plays:1. Counting numbers – the play of moving toys as much asnumbers2. Knowing the order of numbers – the play of connecting numbers inthe order3. Scale of number size comparison – the play of placing numbers onthe scale as much as numbers and comparing them4. Writing numbers – Write numbers with fun*** Speaking numbers – There is a number recognition function usinga voice recognition function.
Mimi's Nail Shop 1.1
Mets HIT Inc.
★ Characteristics- You can create an overall look for your hands and decorate yourfingernails. Choose a color that goes with my skin and createpretty nails.- Try creating a variety of styles that are just right for you. Oh!Not only nail colors but a variety of patterns and sparkles? Wouldyou like to learn how Mimi designs pretty nails?- Provide a wide variety of accessories.Accessories complete the way your hand looks.Finish Mimi's beautiful look with a ring or bracelet.- Save the nail you designed and show it off to your friends.Save the pretty nail you designed and use different frames and takepictures in different concepts.❖ Less than 320x480 resolution are not supported.Mimi, Mimi's world, Mimi's nail shop, nail, fingernail,princess, decorate, paint, decorate
123 Playground 1.0.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★‘Pop pop pop’fireworks,‘tok tok tok’screentouchLearning while playing with a fun number learning game ‘123Playground!!’‘123 Playground’ helps children recognize numbers as a playmediumand enjoy an entertaining animation of fireworks that light up ‘poppop pop.’Children naturally learn numbers during their playtime rather thanstudy time with ‘123 Playground’The best content for children, made by experts and recommend bymothers!A high-quality educational content of iSchool+ has been made byexperts in children’s education content development, cognitivepsychology experts and graphic designers.It helps in the cognitive and emotional development of children aswell as their basic learning.iSchool+ has developed content customized for the next generationof children that will be living in a digital world.All of the content has been researched and developed by detailedand in-depth analysis while each one of the content has beendesigned along with parental loveBe prepared for the era of digital textbooks with iSchool+!★Content Hierarchy①Research Life > Develop basic mathematics skills> Developnumber sense★Objectives①To develop number sense.②To count from one to ten, connect numbers with numbers③To compare numbers and amounts★Activities①Light up fireworks by a finger touch on screen②Repeat aloud numbers with lighting up fireworks★FunctionTouch interactions
Mimi Sketchbook Princess Lite 1.6
Mets HIT Inc.
★ Every little girl in the world can becomeaprincess!Mimi's sketchbook is a coloring series app that uses themes inastorytelling format.In the first story, I would like to introduce Princess Mimi~Anyone can be a beautiful princess in Mimi's castle.You can color, dress yourself up with shiny accessories and becomeaprincess like the ones in a fairytale.We would like to invite you now to Mimi's castle.★ Characteristics① Mimi's ball and princess in a fairytale, there aretwostories.Shall we dance with the prince to some beautiful music? Shallwebecome a beautiful princess in a fairytale?Just thinking about it makes my heart race.yddjhgj② There are pictures of the beautiful Princess Mimi in awidevariety of concepts.Oh my! There are so many pictures of the lovable andbeautifulPrincess Mimi in a wide variety of concepts. If you chooseFairyMimi then Cinderella Mimi will be sad and ifyou choose Snow White Mimi then Little Mermaid Mimi will besad~Whatshould we do~ Hee hee~Just wait~I will make them allpretty.③ What I am sketching! That is a true sketchbook~Swishswish~Soeasy~ If you turn the light on Mimi's sketchbook, likemagic, thesilhouette of a picture appears~Tada! Wow~by drawingalong thesilhouette of the picture anyone can draw a beautifulpicture ofMimi.④ More than just having fun coloring! I can make my veryownprincess.Colored pencils, paints, crayons? No~use the special tools madejustfor Mimi to design your very own Princess Mimi. It's more thanjustcopying and recording, experienceart that allows you to express yourself, think and createastory.⑤ The picture that I drew and decorated is moving.Using beautiful music, graphics and a variety of effects thepictureI drew and decorated comes to life. It's just like goinginto thepicture book.⑥ Tell a story. Also create a story.Listen to the story that can be found in each picture and thistimetry creating your own story. Through pictures and stories asyoucreate your very own story about PrincessMimi your way of thinking and your creativity grows deeperanddeeper~- Website : Tel : 02-512-0797
맞짱퀴즈 2.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★ 맞짱퀴즈!!!먼지 풀풀 날리는 무식한 맞짱은 저리가라!인텔리의 향기가 물씬 풍기는 고상한 맞짱이 여기 있다.몸대신머리를굴리는맞짱!그렇다고 팔짱끼고 있을 시간은 없을걸!던지고, 달리고, 터지고.. 긴장감 넘치는 상식퀴즈 어플, 맞짱퀴즈!게임의 묘미도 즐기고 지식도 쌓는 일석이조의 퀴즈 어플, 맞짱퀴즈!!1대1 대전을 통해 지식레벨을 쌓으며, 나만의 캐릭터도 꾸며보세요!!그럼, 저랑 맞짱 한번 붙으실래요?★ 게임종류레이싱 게임: 주사위를 굴려 문제를 맞추면 주사위 수만큼 전진. 골인지점에 먼저 도달하는 사람이 승리하는 게임폭탄게임: 폭탄을주고받으며문제풀기에도전. 문제를 틀리면 폭탄이 터져 보유한 생명이 완전 소멸시 승패가 결정되는게임★특징(1) 정치, 경제, 문화에서 부터 연예에 이르기까지 각 영역별 방대한 상식문제(2) 사용자만의 테마 캐릭터 보유(3) 1:1 대전을 통한 친구와의 상식배틀맞짱퀴즈, 게임, 상식, 퀴즈, 지식, OX, 대결, 경쟁, 대전, 문제풀기, 문제, 레이싱, 폭탄, 주사위,배틀,맞짱, 스피드----개발자 연락처 :#566-23, sinsa-dong, gangnamgu, seoul south korea [135-891]02-6959-0497★ mano quiz!Ignorant pulpul Blowing dust away and go mano aNoble intelligentsia of the fragrant atmospherepunggineunmano.Rolling off the body instead of the head, mano!The time to be wearing your arms But I do not think so!Running, throwing, fires .. Knowledge quiz application,suspensefulmano quiz! Also enjoying the excitement of the game, buildingknowledgequiz app, kill two birds with one stone mano quiz!Gain real knowledge level through World War 1-to-1, a characterofmy own! TmadsenWell, me, mano once glued Would you?★ Game TypesRacing game, roll the dice, dice problem aligning the numberofforward. First person to reach the finish line to winthegameChallenge to solve a problem by exchanging the game: Bomb bomb.Lifeproblem wrong, the bomb held a game that is completelydestroyedwhen a decision victory★ Features(1) from the political, economic, and cultural entertainmentrangingfrom vast common sense problems in each areaYour own theme (2) CharacterFriends and commonsense Battle of War (3) 1:1Mano quizzes, games, and common sense, quizzes, knowledge,OX,confrontation, competition, Daejeon, problem solving,problem,Racing, bombs, dice, battle, mano, speed
Alphabet Playground 1.0.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★ 'Bubble bubble' soap bubblesThe applicable word and image appear when popping soap bubblesofthe English alphabet.'Alphabet Playground' enables children to enjoy excitinganimationswith popping soap bubbles and recognize the alphabets asa playmedium.Alphabet Playground allows them to learn the alphabetthroughlistening to correct pronunciation and accent of nativeEnglishspeakers!They naturally learn the alphabet during playtime rather thanstudytime with 'Alphabet Playground.'The best content for children, made by experts and recommendbymothers!A high-quality educational content of iSchool+ has been madebyexperts in children’s education content development,cognitivepsychology experts and graphic designers.It helps in the cognitive and emotional development of childrenaswell as their basic learning.iSchool+ has developed content customized for the next generationofchildren that will be living in a digital world.All of the content has been researched and developed by detailedandin-depth analysis while each one of the content has beendesignedalong with parental loveBe prepared for the era of digital textbooks with iSchool+!★ Content Hierarchy① Language Life> Read, Speak★ Objectves① To be interested in English and studying.② To be interested in reading and writing.③ To know language can be written down★ Activities① Pop soap bubbles by touching the screen with a finger② Repeat aloud English words with popping bubbles★ FunctionTouch interactions
미미의 하루 1.0
Mets HIT Inc.
★ 미미의 일상. 미미의 특별한 날을 꾸며보세요!미미 스케치북은 스토리텔링의 형식을 갖춘 테마가 있는 색칠놀이 시리즈 앱이에요~!그 두 번째 이야기, 미미의 하루를 소개합니다~“오늘은 무슨 일이 일어날까?”상상만으로도 미미는 두근두근 가슴이 설렌답니다.미미의 하루는 언제나 행복한 일들로 가득하거든요.우리 함께 알록달록 색칠놀이도 하고 반짝반짝 액세서리로 꾸미기 놀이도 하며 미미의 하루를 살짝 들여다 볼까요?”★ 특징① 미미의 일상, 미미의 특별한 날 두 가지 스토리가 있어요.집에서 만 있으니 따분해 오늘 낮에는 예쁜 양산으로 가지고 외출도 하고 공원에도 가고 바쁜 하루를 마치면예쁜 공주님 침대에서 잠이 드는 일상이야기특별한 날에는 특별한 이야기를!!오늘은 미미의 생일인가요? 아니면 크리스마스인가요? 일상에서 벗어나 즐기는 미미의 특별한 날을 꾸며보세요.② 다양한 컨셉의 예쁜 미미공주님 그림이 있어요.오늘은 시원한 바닷가로 가볼까요? 아니면 산들 바람이 불어오는 숲으로 갈까요? 아니면 기타를 가지고 흥겨운 음악을 연주해 볼까요매일매일 즐거운 미미, 그 미미의 하루 속으로 당신을 초대 합니다~!!③ 내가 스케치를 하는 것! 그것이 진정한 스케치북~ 쓱쓱~ 쉽게 쉽게~미미 스케치북의 조명을 켜면 마법처럼 그림의 실루엣이~짜잔!! 와우~실루엣을 따라 그리면, 누구나 미미 그림을 멋지게 스케치할 수 있어요④ 색칠놀이 그 이상! 나만의 공주님을 만들어요.색연필, 물감, 크레파스?? 아니에요~ 미미만의 특별한 꾸미기 도구로 나만의 미미 공주님을 만들어주세요.모방하고 기록하는 색칠놀이를 넘어, 표현하고 생각하고 이야기를 만드는 미술 체험을 해보세요.⑤ 내가 그리고 꾸민 그림이 움직여요.아름다운 음악과 그래픽, 다양한 효과로 내가 그리고 꾸민 그림이 살아나요.이건 마치~ 그림책 속으로 들어온 기분이에요~⑥ 이야기를 들려줘요. 그리고 이야기를 만들어요.그림 한 장 한 장에 담긴 스토리를 듣고, 이번에는 직접 스토리를 만들어보아요.그림과 이야기로 자신만의 미미 공주님의 이야기를 만들며 생각은 깊고 넓게~ 창의력은 쑥쑥~!----개발자 연락처 :#566-23, sinsa-dong, gangnamgu, seoul south korea [135-891]02-6959-0497★ Mimi's life.Printablein Mimi's special day!    Mimi sketchbook format of storytellingwiththe theme App is a coloring game series!    The second story, Mimi introduces the day ~"What will happen today?"Mimi heart throb to dream seolren laid.Mimi's always a happy day filled with hageodeunyo things.We also play together and painted shiny alrokdalrokdecoratingaccessories and also Mimi's play Let's take a peek intothe day?"★ Features① Mimi's life, Mimi's story of the two kinds of special day.    So bored at home, but this afternoon,goingout to have a pretty parasol to go to a park After a busyday    Pretty princess fall asleep in bedeverydaystorySpecial day for a special story!Mimi's birthday is today? Or is Christmas? Enjoy life awayfromMimi's special day are printable.    Princess Mimi picture ② two different concepts I'm pretty.    Cool going to go to the beach today? Ifwego into the forest breeze blowing? Or with other pe    Let the music play, prostrateEvery day a good minor, the minor will invite you into theday~!③ sketches that I will! It is easier and easier real sketchbook~roughly ~ ~     Mimi sketchbook magically turnthelights silhouette of the picture - voila! Wow     Along the silhouette draw, tosketchcool picture anyone have minimal④ coloring game and more! Mandeuleoyo own princess.    Colored pencils, paints,crayons??Not-insignificant own special decorating tool PrincessMimi, pleasemake your own.    Play and record over the paintedimitation,representation, and the story makes you think and try toexperienceart.⑤ I assumed the picture and moving.   Beautiful music and graphics, and a varietyofeffects, and decorated with a picture I salahnayo.   It's like ... I feel like coming intopicturebooks ...⑥ story, please. And crank out a story.    Contained in the picture one by one tohearthe story, this time creating a spy story directly.   Pictures and stories of your own story ofPrincessMimi creates a deep and wide-thinking creativityGrowing!
Raggy Pet ABC 1.0
Mets HIT Inc.
Mets HIT EDU-PLAY Series ‘Raggy Pet’Introduction of Raggy Pet – ABCWhile moving and driving train with Raggy Pet, childrenbecomefamiliar with alphabets.This app is not for studying but for playing various traingameswith toy characters.Raggy’s friends want to play with children.*** This App was manufactured entirely in English.*** This App recognizes the pronunciations of children using avoicerecognition function.*** All words appear in English and are pronounced.Let them play train games with the friends of ‘Raggy Pet’.Alphabetsmake the game more fun.‘Laggy Pet’, toy friends made with old clothes!‘Doggy’ the Puppy / ‘Chicky’ the Chick / ‘Beany’ the Little Bear/‘Piggy’ the Little Pig / ‘Bunny’ the Little RabbitMets HIT EDU-Play Series ‘Raggy Pet’ helps children familiarizewithalphabets and words through training plays enjoyedbychildren.The alphabet is the start of learning a language and thepreparationprocess to learn knowledge.If this process is hard and difficult, burden for learningmayoccur. The fun through playing reduces that learning burdenandmakes them accept learning itself as something fun.If children put the train into a garage through this app and rideatrain and speak various words, they can meet the respondingprops.Alphabets and words become the process of play and theexistence oflanguage will be learned naturally.To provide children with laughter and intellectual stimulus,weprepared various motions and effects to the toys.Children will speak whenever they meet the words theyfamiliarizewith through this app in daily life. You will find thatyourchildren with high expectations to speak what they know to us.Whena word appears on the app, repeat it together at first. Iftheyhave confidence, they will want to do it by themselves. It isthechange and growth through learning. Now, children can speakthewords they know with more fun. Just listen and praise.We really want to make more children and ‘Raggy Pet’ as a friendoflearning.‘Raggy Pet ABC’ provides the following learning plays:1. Training garage play – The play of recognizing the alphabetinboth upper case and lower case2. Finding alphabets in the train – the play of eagerly findingandspeaking words3. Writing a letter on the freight car of the train – more funtowrite the alphabet!*** Speaking words – A word recognition function using avoicerecognition function is featured